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Showing posts from August, 2015

Let's encourage ecofriendly products

We all agree that we should be more conscious of our environment and the impact we have. We don't always succeed in our actions to be ecofriendly, given the various products available. They make our life comfortable, at times at the expense of the environment. Let's start with all the plastic shopping bags. Do you carry a foldable shopping bag in your handbag? I try to have one. The more stylish, better chances we would carry them. At times they have come handy, when a friend needed a bag and there wasn't a bag handy. So I was glad to lend mine. They also make much appreciated gift too. Here is some unique designer artwork, by Lucine on these stylish shopping bags. Use them, wash them over and over and feel good about saving so many plastic bags from landfill! The Best Is Yet To Come Reusable Shopping Bag by Lucine Find more totes & unique gifts at CafePress Lucine abstract art Tote Bag by Lucin...