Today's featured slections from Lucine's recent digital art. Inspiration quotes worth remembering when we start new projects or feel overwhelmed by the task ahead:
The Journey of a thousand Miles Must begin with a SINGLE step:

TheJourneyOfAThousandMilesLucineDesignsDigitalArtJ by Lucine Tegnazian

TheJourneyOfAThousandMilesLucineDesignsDigitalArtJ by My Digital Samplings

TheJourneyOfAThousandMilesLucineDesignsDigitalArtJ by Lucine Tegnazian
The Journey of a thousand Miles Must begin with a SINGLE step:
TheJourneyOfAThousandMilesLucineDesignsDigitalArtJ by Lucine Tegnazian
TheJourneyOfAThousandMilesLucineDesignsDigitalArtJ by My Digital Samplings
TheJourneyOfAThousandMilesLucineDesignsDigitalArtJ by Lucine Tegnazian